2016 Edition of the legendary Southern German Doom in Bloom Festival, est. 1996. Always non-profit but with heart. Save the date or be doomed!
More Infos on Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/129871770768741
Tickets im Presale auf Reservix (17 Euro): https://shop.reservix.de/off/login_check.php?vID=13655&id=1515a0e019a88da3e52ff97280cca51d6594634cfd87fe96bd471d8c20a2c5f49ca7d9a978d9d4a4d5cd071b7da723ec&eventGrpID=209192
Our cursed journey will be accompanied by the following lovely bands:
SubRosa Sludge/Doom with Two Violins – Salt Lake City, USA
Homepage: www.subrosa.cc Bandcamp: subrosausa.bandcamp.com
Naevus Obsessed Doom Rock – Sachsenheim, D, *** Album Release Show ***
Bandcamp: metamatterrecords.bandcamp
SINISTRO Atmospheric Dark Rock – Lisbon, P Homepage: sinistroband.com
Bandcamp: projectosinistro.bandcamp.
Mirror of Deception Unorthodox Doom Metal – Esslingen, D
Homepage: mirrorofdeception.com
Bandcamp: cycloneempire.bandcamp.com
VERSUS THE STILLBORN-MINDED Sludge Dampfwalze – Nürnberg, D
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/vts-m/sets/
Mustum Doom-Duo – Esslingen, D
YouTube: youtu.be/eDd96Xi6IeM